Color Us Grateful

Project Community Thanks all of Pelham for our Successful Color Run Weekend!

A record-breaking 700+ participants from Pelham, NY and the surrounding communities came out in support of this year’s Color Run fundraiser. It was a celebration of families uniting with their community to support innovative and proven programs for the mental health of our children and teens.

Crossing the finish line, decorated in a rainbow of colors, were whole families from babies in strollers to children, teens, parents, and grandparents. They passed under a giant rainbow balloon arch to the sound of victorious music played by the DJ. Participants were cheered along the route by neighbors who set out chairs to enjoy the joyful spectacle. A crowd of supporters also applauded at the finish line while offering bottles of water. Walter’s hot dog truck and Pelicones ice cream truck were on the Siwanoy Elementary School playground to offer treats. A large balloon frame provided an opportunity to take pictures for happy memories, and a children’s obstacle course entertained the younger participants.

It was a great celebration for the community to share a fun filled event while helping our organization that is dedicated to addressing gaps in knowledge to prevent social isolation for children with special needs, and work with teens and young adults to address anxiety, depression, and possible tragedy.

Color Us Grateful, indeed!

Dr. Anne Frost, Founder & President 
Project Community
