Dear Friends,
Project Community is so grateful for the kind support we received last year. As with most non-profits, we unfortunately had to cancel our single fundraiser for 2020, Project Community’s Annual Color Run. We are hopeful for its return, so please save the date for Sunday, May 23, 2021!
With health and safety as a priority, we’re eagerly planning the return of Project CHILDD (Community Help In Learning about Developmental Disabilities), our free, in-person community programs for children and youth with special needs. These programs are supervised by registered nurses, and involve local teen volunteers who are so integral to the success of our work.
While some of our programs are on pause, we have been actively working to create new opportunities to engage the community. We are proud to announce the 2021 launch of “You and Me,” a Project CHILDD program in partnership with law enforcement in Pelham and Pelham Manor. To help keep ALL citizens safe, and to foster positive relationships and interactions with law enforcement, a volunteer registry will be created to help mitigate dangerous encounters due to a lack of familiarity with special needs citizens. Our goal is to unite the community to support independence and safety for those with special needs who are at risk for atypical experiences within the community.
We also continue to provide solutions to the growing crises among teens and tweens through our four ‘Knowledge to Navigate' programs: Self Awareness, Anxiety, Binge Drinking and Sexual Assault. Each program is available to schools and community groups for just $200 per group of 20.
Your kind donation of any size to Project Community’s 2020/2021 year will provide an essential role for the children and youth who benefit so greatly from, and truly need, our five programs outlined below.
Wishing you a safe and enjoyable holiday season, and looking forward to all the wonderful things that 2021 will bring us.
Anne Frost, PhD
President, Project Community, Inc.