Margaret Monahan
Margaret is a practicing registered nurse with extensive experience working with patients across the lifecycle, from pediatrics to geriatrics. Her career began at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan, where she practiced with the cystic fibrosis team, part of which involved facilitating groups for young adults. Margaret went on to hold the prestigious position of Director of Nursing at Sound Shore Hospital in New Rochelle for 12 years. She is currently the Executive Director for a Jesuit retirement community at Fordham University in the Bronx. Margaret started a Masters Program in Clinical Ethics at Georgetown recently.
While working at Sound Shore Hospital, Margaret became aware of Project CHILDD and joined Project Community, volunteering her substantial expertise to help children with special needs. Margaret emphasizes that the time spent with participants in Project CHILDD is life-affirming. While she imparts skills and comfort to those with special needs, she explains that she too learns powerful lessons from each and every participant.
After years of experience with the program, she remains impressed by the level of commitment shown by the program’s teen mentors. Margaret says she is proud and privileged to help provide this invaluable gift to the community.